
北京亿达融国际服饰有限公司是一家集设计研发、物流、生产、行销、信息化与一体依託国际化的品牌经营理念、专业化的研发设计、规模化的生产物流,现已发展成为多品牌运作的现代化公司。公司专注于MENTLIANA品牌系营造,旗下子品牌包括V Fiorina

Beijing yidarong International Clothing Co., Ltd. is a design and development, logistics, production, marketing, information and integration.Relying on international brand management concept, professional R & D design and large-scale production logistics, it has developed into a modern company with multi brand operation.The company focuses on the construction of mentlianad brand department, and its sub brands include V Fiorina

高端定制 尊享奢华


Mentliana French style underwear has always brought women imaginative high cost and diffuse temperament with exquisite tube silk and excellent design, just like a piece of art worth collecting.


With rich experience in design and manufacturing, mentlana has undergone the most rigorous production monitoring from design to material selection / quality inspection / packaging for each underwear. It controls the pure natural fabric, organic dyeing, and French imported lace to truly reflect the beauty and temperament of successful women.


Mentliana was officially stationed in China in 2007. After 10 years of dedicated research on the characteristics of Chinese women's figure, she has been shaping without binding. She inherits the French romantic, noble and elegant temperament. At the same time, the underwear design is perfect for Chinese women's figure.

电话:+86 10 5841-7155